As a devoted wife and mom to four little ones, nothing makes me happier than when my household is running smoothly, everyone feels good and we’re all healthy. Which is why over a decade ago, I made the conscious decision to rebuild our lifestyle from scratch. Between my kids’ seasonal allergies and frequent flus, and my husband’s chronic sciatica, it felt like there was always something to deal with. I knew that leading a healthier, cleaner lifestyle would be our ticket to good health and healing. (Read more about what led me into this journey here!)
So, I entered the wonderful world of research. Learning about the dangers of SAD (the Standard American Diet) was incredibly empowering- but it was also confusing. I wondered, which of the supplements and vitamins I was reading about actually worked? Was I supposed to just empty out my entire pantry? Could I even afford to overhaul the way we ate?
I felt overwhelmed with information. And whether you’re on the start of your journey to health and healing or years into it, I’m sure you’ve felt the same.
Making the transition to a healthy lifestyle isn’t easy. It took me years of research and education to understand the health benefits of eating whole foods, avoiding processed foods, and prioritizing my family’s mental and physical health. But I’ve learned that that’s okay. Finding balance doesn’t happen overnight. Instead, making small, steady changes can help you build healthy habits over time- ones that will actually stick- and gradually transition to a healthier lifestyle.

Once I started learning about healthy eating habits, I was determined to make a difference. Every time I chose a nutritious snack or stopped using an ingredient with harmful chemicals, I felt empowered. Knowing that every change was making a difference in my family’s well being kept me motivated. Instead of restricting, I focused on adding- fresh produce, clean ingredients and veggies with every meal. Gradually, my family started feeling better. I realized that my goals had always been attainable- I just needed the right tools and knowledge to implement them.

Today, I’ve completely overhauled my family’s lifestyle, and I’m passionate about helping others make the transition to a healthier way of living.
My number one tip? Start your journey towards a healthier lifestyle with small, manageable steps. Swapping out processed, low-nutrient and high-toxic foods for whole foods with more health benefits can be a great start to your healthy lifestyle.You might consider replacing store-bought snacks with homemade products, switching to organic produce, or even using a cleaner brand of dish soap. Small changes like this will help you form the basis of a healthier lifestyle.

Health is highly individual, and everyone has different needs. Luckily, there are plenty of resources available online that provide information and tips on how to start living a healthier lifestyle and choose what works for you. Whether it’s developing a more balanced diet, taking supplements, or incorporating more exercise into your routine, it’s easier than ever to learn how to make healthier choices and take steps towards achieving better physical and mental health.
Take it from me: you really can eat better, feel better and get healthier. I can’t wait to share more of my staple recipes and ingredients with you- in the meantime, dive deep and relish the healthy life!
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