The Balanced Home
Change what you live on as well as what you live in. When you shape home, it shapes you.
Tips · Guides · Recommendations · And more!
“If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.”
Mother Teresa’s advice applies equally well to caring for the environment in which you raise your loved ones. Home is a sense of belonging; a place where our bodies naturally come into a sense of homeostasis (Coincidence?).

At Spice & Zest we know that home deserves a lot of affection:
Remove toxins from the house
Bring in safe and effective products
Create a vibe that supports health
Relax. We’re not here to tell you to peel the old paint off your walls. (Although you will find healthy alternatives to the toxic petrochemical paints common to most homes.) We want to walk you through rooms, fixtures, and bottles to help you understand what deserves to stay and what you deserve to banish. But always with a smile.
As with everything Spice & Zest, we want you to enjoy.
To feel confident. To make sense of the changes you make. To relish the healthy life instead of dreading the undertaking. That’s why we’ve created The Balanced Home, your lifelong guide to a wholesome, healthy, joyful household.
Discover what’s hiding in common home products. Become an avid label-reader. Save money while ridding your space of ‘cheaper’ chemicals that ask you to pay with your family’s health. And bring balance into every corner of every room.
You’re starting a lifelong spring cleaning. Don’t rush; enjoy every sweep. Soon enough, you’ll be hearting your home anew.
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Articles for Home
Healthy living doesn’t stop at consuming a diet of whole, organic foods. It’s a lifestyle that touches every part of our lives, one of the most important being, our homes. But, before you can begin to detox your home and bring it into balance, first you need to know what to look for.
There are harmful chemicals hiding in all sorts of places that you would never expect from personal care products, to laundry detergent, to mattresses.
Our content is designed to help you uncover toxic chemicals already in your home and make swaps to non-toxic products (and do so without overwhelm). This is about taking back your power and taking control of your future.
Still using non-stick cookware? Make the switch to stainless steel or cast iron. Does your water bottle contain BPA? Trade up to a toxin-free option.
Learn to mitigate environmental pollutants and toxins like pesticides, formaldehyde, endocrine disruptors, and more. One of the simplest things you can do is invest in a water filter to purify your tap water.
Support local farmers and forward-thinking brands with environmental and eco-friendly initiatives.
Find new ways to clean, whether it be with the help of non-toxic cleaning products, or trying some DIY recipes and methods.
Here’s a great place to start. Go through your bathroom cabinets and throw out anything expired or that you are not using anymore right away. Once you are left with the items you want to keep, look them up on the Environmental Working Group (EWG) website. This is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to adopt a non-toxic lifestyle. You can look up all sorts of cleaning and beauty products like lotion, sunscreen, skincare items, deodorant, shampoo and find a rating and breakdown of all their ingredients.
Check out our content for more tips, guides, and resources on non-toxic living. Your home is an expression of you, so have fun and be kind to yourself as you embark on this journey to a more healthy home.
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